Annual Fellowship Opportunities

The Graduate Group in Ecology aims to streamline applications for GGE Fellowships for continuing students, Jastro & Shields Research Awards, and nominations for University Fellowships for continuing students. Because due dates vary among programs, applications may be requested at different times.

The UC Davis Graduate Studies Fellowship for Continuing Graduate Students

Application Deadline: January 15


  • A University Fellowship Application.
  • Three letters of recommendation. Register your referees early so they have sufficient time to complete the electronic letter of recommendation. One letter must be from your major professor. Recommenders will receive a link for submitting their letters after you complete the fellowship application. 
  • UCD transcripts. These can be provided by the GGE office.
  • Resume or curriculum vitae. The approved CV format has a two page limit. The CV should include information that is relevant to or referenced in your proposal. 

GGE Continuing Student Fellowships (Graduate Program Fellowship Allocation aka GPFA)

Funding for fellowships for continuing students varies among years, and usually cannot be estimated by the GGE until spring. A call for applications will be announced by email, generally during spring quarter. Submissions will require a GGE Fellowship application. More details including instructions and due date are provided in the Call for Applications. First year GGE students and JDPE are not eligible.

Jastro & Shields Research Awards

To be eligible for Jastro & Shields awards, applicants must:

  • Be a registered graduate student at UC Davis at the time of application and be enrolled at UC Davis for a minimum of one quarter immediately following receipt of the award
  • Have a major professor whose home department is in CAES.
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.30.
  • Previously have received less than $17,000 from the Jastro & Shields Endowment.

How to Submit Your Jastro Application

Instructions for submission of the Jastro application will be provided in the Call for Applications sent by email. The application due date is determined by the College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences and typically the call goes out in mid-spring. 

Research Proposal Guidelines 

  • Full guidelines will be provided when requests for fellowship applications for continuing students are announced.
  • Read the formatting guidelines carefully. Improperly formatted applications will not be considered for funding. This proposal also will serve as the proposal for Jastro Research Awards for students in the College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences.

Research Proposal Content Requirements 

  • Background and Rationale. Why is this project needed? What is its novelty?
  • Objectives. What questions will the research address? If your research is part of a larger project, clearly differentiate the objectives of that larger project and your proposed work. Your objectives should be explicit, clear, concise, and tractable. Provide one or two hypotheses or predictions to give reviewers an idea of your anticipated outcomes and the types of data you will be collecting.
  • Methods. How will the research and analyses be conducted? How long will they take? Address any contingency plans if your research does not go as planned.
  • Results to date. The importance of this section increases as your seniority in the GGE increases. 
  • Literature cited. 
  • Qualifications. What expertise and experience enable you to conduct the proposed research?