Student Associations

Ecology Graduate Student Association (EGSA)

The Ecology Graduate Student Association is the student-run arm of the UC Davis Graduate Group in Ecology (GGE). The mission of EGSA is to support our students and represent them to the GGE, the university, and the world. All students of the GGE are automatically members in EGSA, and meetings are held 1-2 times per quarter to discuss student issues ranging from funding and mentorship to outreach and social activities. EGSA has a rich tradition of engaging the GGE student body and broader community through events such as the Graduate Student Symposium in Ecology, the Mardi Gras charity ball, and Picnic Day. We also serve as a platform to support student initiatives, enhance research communication, and give GGE students a voice in the Graduate Student Association.

At the EGSA website you'll find a variety of student resources including blogs, publication lists, guides to courses and much more. 

Ecology Graduate Student Newsletter (The Aggie Brickyard)

Not so long ago, the students of the Ecology Graduate Group put together a quarterly newsletter known as The Egg. The Egg showcased the scientific, artistic, comedic, and general brilliance of the students and faculty of the Ecology Graduate Group. Beyond just a reflection of the community of ecologists at UC Davis, The Egg provided a forum for student and faculty interaction that helped to strengthen our community. In that spirit, we decided to revive the student publication and bring you The Aggie Brickyard. We hope that this publication can serve an important role in the beautiful, large, (at times) amorphous, force of ecological research and social revelry that is the Graduate Group in Ecology at UC Davis. We hope The Aggie Brickyard can serve as a conduit among students and faculty allowing us to bridge knowledge gaps and leverage the diversity of expertise we have here at UC Davis. Ideas? Questions? Concerns? Contact Us!


Joint-Doctoral Program in Ecology Student Association

The JDPE Student Association is a group of JDPE students interested in 1) maintaining and  enhancing the professional development and academic aspects of the program and 2) working to develop a sense of community among the SDSU JDPE students.  To date the group has established an annual orientation trip at San Diego State, where incoming and continuing students spend a weekend at the Santa Margarita reserve (CSU reserve system) prior to fall semester.  The trip serves as a means of bridging gaps between cohorts of students and to help  inform incoming students of the research conducted and resources available to them at SDSU.  Additionally, the group represents student interests relating to funding, traveling between institutions, and coursework.  

At the JDPE Student Association website, you'll find a variety of student resources, retreat information, student blogs and publications, and more!


The Odyssey Trip

The UC Davis Graduate Group in Ecology’s (GGE) White Mountain Odyssey (“The Odyssey”) is an immersive experience, which introduces incoming graduate students to the resources and opportunities available to them as GGE students, and provides a first introduction to their cohort and the GGE community at large.  

The foremost goal of the GGE is to provide world class training to the next generation of ecologists. To this end, The Odyssey introduces first year students to some of the places and people critical to success within the GGE. The Odyssey provides an informal atmosphere where students learn about the University of California Natural Reserve System, ongoing research, and meet current GGE faculty and staff. Cultivating relationships with these places and individuals from the onset makes it easier for students to feel comfortable seeking guidance and support early on in their academic career.

A strong community is complementary to professional success, and as such The Odyssey serves as a chance to build a supportive collegial and social atmosphere that is carried throughout a student's graduate career. During The Odyssey, returning students and staff strive to create an atmosphere in line with the UC Davis Principles of Community, which “confronts and rejects all manifestations of discrimination.” We hope this atmosphere mirrors the larger community that waits for new students back in Davis.  Further, due to the diverse background of incoming students, The Odyssey seeks to help participants minimize shed anxiety created by the “imposter syndrome” by exploring the diversity of backgrounds and skills within the GGE and affirming the collegial attitude among GGE students and faculty through an interdisciplinary experience that could not be led by any single instructor. Regardless of if you want to find a research collaborator, a dance party, a good hiking trail, or the best potlucks in town, we want first year students to leave the Odyssey feeling prepared, supported, and excited for the journey to come.